Empowering Families: The Role of Values Education in Shaping Africa’s Renaissance

Empowering Families: The Role of Values Education in Shaping Africa’s Renaissance

The family remains a cornerstone of moral and social development, even amidst urbanization and globalization. GPW and GPF partnered to create The Parents’ Guide to Values Education in the Home Curriculum.

Rooted in the principles of Ubuntu, this guide empowers parents, caregivers, and faith leaders to nurture the next generation with respect, compassion, responsibility, and integrity. By encouraging active family participation, we can strengthen our communities, address modern parenting challenges, and ensure that children grow into ethical leaders.

Learning about Reconciliation in the Family

Learning about Reconciliation in the Family

“The transformative power of the vision to create One Family under God is found in the fundamental truth that all people, regardless of their differences are spiritual beings who share a common heritage in the one Creator.” —Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon The following story is...