by Editor | Jul 14, 2017 | Africa, Global Peace Foundation, Interfaith, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Universal Principles and Values
At one point in 2016, some began to claim that the Fulani herdsmen were slaughtering the native settlers; others claimed that the opposite was true. Whatever the case, there was a violent conflict in southern Kaduna. It was the kind of conflict that always ended up...
by Editor | Jun 26, 2017 | Extended Family Model, Global Peace Foundation, Global Peace Women
The dire warnings about the state of society and all its problems usually start from the level of individuals or society in general. Naturally, the solutions to these problems also tend to focus on individuals or society. Yet this fails to acknowledge the critical...
by Editor | Jun 19, 2017 | Extended Family Model, Global Peace Foundation, One Family Under God
In a single neighborhood, children laugh as they sit side-by-side in drawing class; teens test their mental and physical strength through taekwondo; and students are hard at work studying a foreign language. Their mothers are sure to be talking about how quickly they...
by Editor | May 26, 2017 | Africa, Global Peace Foundation, Moral and Innovative Leadership, One Family Under God, Peacebuilding, Universal Principles and Values, Youth Leadership
“Moral leadership requires a vision of peace and justice for the entire human family. This vision goes beyond our national borders to see the benefits of global peace and justice for ourselves and all people. It is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values...
by Editor | May 9, 2017 | Global Peace Foundation, Peacebuilding
“It is my firm conviction that the vision of One Family under God can transcend identity-based conflict and provide the principled foundation for creating a world of peace.” –Dr. Hyun Jin Preston Moon Identity-based conflict is something that we can see at the root of...
by Editor | Apr 22, 2017 | Global Peace Foundation
History has arrived at a point of balance where the Korean people can act decisively to determine the future direction of their nation. We can take our fate out of the hands of others and shape our own destiny. Korean Dream: A Vision for a Unified Korea, Dr. Hyun Jin...