by Main | Jun 3, 2015 | Korean Dream, Local Conferences
“Up until now, every discussion on unification has been consumed with the “process” of unification, usually seen through the lens of Cold War geo-politics and interests…I believe such a framework only exacerbates the social, political and economic divide between the...
by Main | May 27, 2015 | One Family Under God
One of the most important reasons why Global Peace Foundation engages such a wide variety of people from multiple sectors is because we know that long-term, sustained peace and prosperity requires synergistic partnerships working toward a common vision. Rather than...
by Main | May 21, 2015 | Service and Volunteerism
“The dream of America’s Founding Fathers not only gave birth to a great nation, unique in world history to that point. It also left substantial footprints throughout the world. It set out the ideal of universal human rights, freedoms, and responsibilities and made...
by Main | May 20, 2015 | One Family Under God, Service and Volunteerism
The idea of service has steadily gained ground around the world. While the specific nature, purpose and efficacy of the various non-governmental organizations differ, we might infer that the rise of these civil service organizations represents the importance people...
by Main | May 13, 2015 | Korean Dream, Service and Volunteerism
There is no equivalent for the word han in the English language. Attempted translations include “resentment” or “grief”, but they don’t quite encompass the entirety of the word’s meaning. Yet, it is a central concept to Korean culture and history. In his book, Korean...