“When nations engage in issues of transforming a nation in poverty, they do everything in reverse. They start with the economic, then interfere with political, then catch up to the social side as an afterthought. The GPF model has done the exact opposite – it started with the social side. The importance of civic and NGO engagement to create national transformation is critical. It starts with social engagement that builds reformation and transformation, building the foundation for economic development.” —Dr. Hyun Jin Moon Global Peace Convention, Paraguay
Throughout the years, Dr. Moon has cast a vision wherein economics, as a key component of a comprehensive “national transformation” process, can be a “force for good” in a way that unequivocally respects the intrinsic rights, freedoms and responsibilities of all people.
To realize this vision, Dr. Moon has steadily worked towards building a foundation for a “national transformation” in societies across the globe by engaging in:
- The first, critical step of building social cohesion around a common vision, universal principles and shared values of “One Family Under God.” Interfaith, intercultural and international platforms for dialogue around aspirational themes of “moral, innovative leadership” has been the first step to build trust, commitment and cooperation across lines of difference in diverse and divided societies.
- With the ideal of One Family Under God, these efforts then create opportunities for peace and community building that challenges us to imagine more for our families, societies, nation and world. With trust, a common vision and shared values, emerges the opportunity to build multi-sectoral, synergistic partnerships and, ultimately, drive societal transformation.
- These partnerships – from the local to the global – then creates new and exciting possibilities for collaboration and development in ways never before imagined.

Dr. Hyun Jin P. Moon speaks at the Global Peace Economic Forum in Manila, the Philippines
In Paraguay, Korea, the United States, Nigeria and beyond, Dr. Moon has guided these models of transformation, engaging people at the grassroots to work towards peaceful, prosperous and equitable development.
In 2017:
- Dr. Moon played a key role in organizing Economic Forums that engage private sector leaders in dialogue and collaboration for the sake of peace and development.
- In the arena of Korean unification, he has urged for substantive reforms of the South Korean economic model, calling for greater transparency and leveling of the marketplace to engage the younger workforce as well as prepare for Korean unification.
- In Asia, he has similarly promoted free-market models driven by the moral and innovative leaders who work for the cause of the common good.
During the Global Peace Convention held in Manila, Philippines in 2017, Dr. Moon explains the simple rationale behind all of the efforts to build such an economic model: “For there to be a sustainable, equitable and prosperous economic system, there must be people of conscience first, whose collective decisions advance the greater good as opposed to benefiting the few. Their choices need to be rooted in universal principles and values that uplift the intrinsic God-given human rights and freedoms of all because it is in their self-interest to do so. In other words, the markets, or their consumers, demand it.”