Arnold Kashembe, Country Director for Global Peace Foundation, receiving a presentation from Martin Quinn, Hon. Secretary of Tipperary Peace Convention, with Global Peace Foundation Vice President Dr. Tony Devine. PHOTO: COURTESY OF CAITRIONA KENNY PHOTOGRAPHY / THE NATIONALIST (TIPPERARY)
On July 18th, 2013, Global Peace Foundation-Ireland was officially launched at the Irish Aid Volunteering and Information Centre in Dublin, followed by ten days of events and meetings, giving GPF’s newest chapter a running start
The launch concluded with an event organized by the Tipperary Peace Convention at the Tipperary Excel Centre. Dignitaries of Tipperary Town, including Mayor Anna Tuohy-Halligan, the Pride of Tipperary Donna Breen, attended. GPF was given a special presentation by Martin Quinn, Hon. Secretary of the Tipperary Peace Convention.
Tipperary, was made famous by a World War II song, “It’s a Long Road to Tipperary”, but has reinvented itself to be a center of peace through organizations like the Tipperary Peace Convention, that will be presenting its 2012 annual peace prize next week to Malala Yousafzai.
Although the peace process is still ongoing, Ireland’s example of peace was highlighted at both events. Country Director, Arnold Kashembe said, “Ireland has lessons to teach the world as a result of its peace accomplishments.”
Global Peace Foundation Vice-President Dr. Tony Devine recognized the contributions of NGOs such as the Tipperary Peace Convention and Cooperation Ireland, and governments in the peace process and encouraged them to share their success stories with other conflict ridden regions. He said that GPF-Ireland can make important contribution. “GPF-Ireland is uniquely positioned to facilitate these connections internationally, as well as leverage European resources and opportunities for peace.”
The focus areas of GPF-Ireland are:
- Community Building
- Education
- Youth Empowerment
- Community Based Development.
Global Peace Foundation already has ongoing projects in Ireland like Linking Cities, a reconciliation initiative that is building connections between Limerick, in the Republic of Ireland and Coleraine, in Northern Ireland. As an official chapter it will build on its three pillars of partnership: interfaith cooperation, strengthening families and service.
The original story appears on: www.globalpeace.org